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Help Is On The Way

The American Rescue Plan Signed Into Law When President Biden signed into law the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan (ARP) this week, it was a bold and historic response to a devastating pandemic that – for more than a year – has upended the lives of people in Minnesota and across the country.  The pandemic has taken more than 500,000 lives, strained our public health system, closed schools, and stolen millions of businesses and jobs.  I strongly supported the American Rescue Plan after hearing from thousands of Minnesotans throughout this past year about the devastating toll the virus has had on their lives.  This new law will arm the nation with important tools to fight the deadly pandemic and deliver badly-needed resources to help restore the nation’s health and economic well-being.  It not only delivers much-needed support for coronavirus testing and vaccines, as well as help for front line health care workers, but also provides assistance for hard-hit families, businesses, farmers, veterans, and Tribal communities.  It will help reopen our schools safely, provide direct support and tax relief to struggling families, and give our states and communities needed resources to build resilience and build back better. With a growing number of people in Minnesota and across the country getting vaccinated every day, I’m optimistic that this package represents a turning point in our year-long fight to crush the virus and to get Americans back on their feet. Direct Help for Struggling Families The ARP will bring immediate relief to families

A New President

On Wednesday, we inaugurated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be President and Vice-President. I started the day feeling optimistic, worried, determined, excited and grateful.  Optimistic that today was finally here.  Worried in spite of myself that everything would go off without a hitch.  Determined and excited about the work ahead, and just plain grateful that I could be here representing Minnesotans.   We drove to my office in the Hart office building, passing through a check point with armed guards, fences and razor wire, and lots of National Guard troops.  This was a stark reminder that, after the events of last week, we cannot say that we are experiencing a peaceful transition of power. As I looked at these young service members, I wondered how many were seeing our national capitol for the first time. The Senators moved towards the Capitol about 10:15, and before long we were situated on the platform on the west side of the Capitol, a platform that just two weeks ago was overrun by a violent mob, intent on violence and overturning the election we were there today to celebrate.  The contrast was stunning, and I know many of us were thinking about it. The Capitol Mall stretched away from us to the East, covered with flags to commemorate the 400,000 souls we have lost to COVID.  It was beautiful and almost completely silent. There’s a reason that America comes together, with all the pomp and ceremony, for Inaugurations.  Certainly today we celebrate President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.  Inaugurating Vice President

Notes From The Capital: August 2019

Working to Lower Prescription Drug Prices Every person deserves health care they can afford, and that includes prescription medications. This month I held a roundtable conversation in Minneapolis with Governor Tim Walz as well as Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin and Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers to hear about challenges families are facing when it comes to affording prescription drugs. I heard from folks like Alexis, a Minnesota college student living with Type 1 diabetes who worries about not being able to afford the medicine she needs to survive. Unfortunately, Alexis’ story is not unique. The price of insulin has doubled in

Notes from the Capital: September 2019

Lifting Up Rural Economies in Minnesota and Across the Country People who don’t live in small towns or rural areas often think about what these communities lack. But when I visit rural Minnesota, I see a lot of good things happening. I recently traveled to Madelia to learn about local projects and rural development efforts. I met business owners and leaders at the Madelia Chamber of Commerce, a telecommunications provider, a flower shop and a restaurant. What I’ve seen in Madelia and in other communities across the state are Minnesotans coming together to create innovative solutions that support jobs and the
