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Senators Klobuchar, Smith Announce Significant Investment in Minnesota Childcare Programs on College Campuses

Washington, DC [9.21.22] — U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith (both D-MN) announced significant federal funding that will help provide childcare for low-income parents who face additional challenges in accessing postsecondary education. The grants, which total over $650,000, will support four years of campus-based childcare programs at St. Cloud State University and Minneapolis Community & Technical College. “For far too many parents across our state, the struggle to find high-quality, affordable childcare serves as a barrier preventing them from pursuing higher education or reentering the workforce,” said Klobuchar. “This funding will enable parents attending St. Cloud State University and Minneapolis College to access convenient child care services, allowing them to continue their education and providing their children with the foundational care they need.” “Parents in Minnesota tell me all the time how limiting a lack of affordable childcare can be.  I’ve heard from families who have to drive 50 miles to take their kids to childcare, and others who are paying almost one-third of their income toward the cost of childcare for just one kid,” said Sen. Smith. “A lack of affordable childcare should not be a barrier for parents who want to go back to school.  This funding for campus-based childcare programs will go a long ways towards supporting student parents enrolled at St. Cloud State and MCTC.” The funding was made available through the Department of Education’s Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program, which provides grants to support the participation of low-income parents in

Senators Smith, Shaheen Introduce Legislation to Protect Thousands of Low-Income Families in Rural Areas from Losing their Homes

[WASHINGTON, DC]— U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-MN) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) introduced legislation in the Senate this week to ensure that thousands of low-income tenants in rural areas are able to maintain access to safe and affordable housing. The Strategy and Investment in Rural Housing Preservation Act of 2022 would protect access to affordable housing for families that are largely elderly, disabled and live in rural areas, who are at risk of losing rental assistance through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Housing Service (RHS).   “Without access to housing, nothing else in your life works. Not your job, your health, your education or your family,” said Senator Smith. “As Chair of the Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development, I have worked with stakeholders to expand access to affordable housing, but we also need to make sure that people who already have a place they call home can keep it that way. And that’s what this bill does. Our measure would help families and elderly Minnesotans stay in their homes.”  “Affordable housing is one of the biggest issues impacting New Hampshire families, especially as we work to recover from the pandemic which exacerbated a pre-existing, serious concern,” said Senator Shaheen. “This legislation targets our most vulnerable populations affected by housing insecurity or those who are at risk for experiencing it by enhancing the USDA’s ability to provide rental assistance. This is a commonsense bill that would make a real difference for rural Granite State communities in need.”  Specifically, the

Sen. Tina Smith Working on Legislation to Protect Children during Immigration Enforcement

U.S. Senator Tina Smith is preparing to introduce legislation to protect children whose families are caught up in immigration enforcement actions. According to an alarming New York Times report, more than 700 immigrant children have been separated from their parents at the border since October. Sen. Smith’s bill—which is expected to take steps similar to the HELP Separated Children Act—will help children and families address the challenges they face when they are separated during interior immigration enforcement actions, as well as during deportation proceedings. She is planning to introduce the legislation in the coming weeks.             

Sen. Tina Smith Helps Introduce Bill to Make Sure Veteran, Minority, and Immigrant Farmers Have Access to USDA Services

U.S. Senator Tina Smith said that her measure to expand mental health services for students and communities in Minnesota and across the country has been included in a larger bipartisan bill to address the nation’s opioid crisis. Sen. Smith said her Improving Access to Mental Health Services Act was added to a package of legislation designed to sharpen the federal government’s response to a crisis that continues to devastate families and communities across the nation. Tomorrow, the larger bill is expected to be debated in the Health and Education Committee, of which Sen. Smith is a member. “Lawmakers often talk about the urgent need to

Sen. Tina Smith Pushes to Kickstart Free-to-Access College Textbook Programs with Millions in Dedicated Federal Funding

U.S. Senator Tina Smith is urging the Department of Education to start disbursing millions in funding she helped secure for open college textbooks—which allow professors, students, and researchers to freely access otherwise costly materials. As the end of the spring semester approaches and students sell back their textbooks for pennies on the dollar, Sen. Smith wants to make sure that colleges across the country can start applying for new grants to create their own open textbook programs. In recent years, schools like University of Minnesota that are already using open textbooks have saved students money and ultimately brought down the

Rep. Tom Emmer Wins Sen. Tina Smith’s Minnesota Congressional Delegation Hotdish Competition

Today, Senator Tina Smith hosted the eighth annual Minnesota Congressional Delegation Hotdish Competition. Sen. Smith took up the helm of Al Franken’s annual hotdish off to determine which Minnesota Congressional Delegation member makes the best hotdish. You can download video from the event here, here, and here, and an interview with Sen. Smith that you should feel free to use here. Participants recipes can be found here. You can find photos of the competition here. 

Rep. Tom Emmer’s “Hotdish of Champions” was named the winner of the 2018 Hotdish Off after a blind taste test—and a tie broken by Master of Ceremonies (and MinnPost’s Washington Correspondent) Sam Brodey—of all ten dishes. The judges
