Sen. Tina Smith Says Minnesota Winter Olympians Will Put “Best of Our State” on World Stage

With the 2018 Winter Olympics kicking off in PyeongChang, South Korea, U.S. Senator Tina Smith said that she’s excited for the Winter Games to showcase Minnesota’s impressive delegation of athletes—the third most of any state in the country.

“I’m so proud of the Minnesota Olympians who are getting ready to put the best of our state on display in South Korea,” said Sen. Smith. “I continue to be amazed that we’re sending 21 athletes to compete in the Winter Games—third most in the entire country—but I’m not all that surprised. Because often when you’re a Minnesotan, once your kids can walk, you bet they can start skating, skiing, or even curling. I can’t wait to watch our athletes go for gold over the next two weeks.”

You can read more about each of the Minnesota Olympians here.

