Senator Tina Smith to Host 8th Annual Minnesota Congressional Delegation Hotdish Competition

On Wednesday, April 25, Senator Tina Smith will host the eighth annual Minnesota Congressional Delegation Hotdish Competition. Sen. Smith is taking up the helm of Al Franken’s annual hotdish-off to determine which Minnesota Congressional Delegation member makes the best hotdish—a dish similar to what other states call a casserole, but indisputably better.

Sen. Smith will be joined by the entire Minnesota congressional delegation: Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Reps. Collin Peterson, Betty McCollum, Keith Ellison, Tim Walz, Rick Nolan, Erik Paulsen, Tom Emmer, and Jason Lewis. Sam Brodey of the publication MinnPost will host the event and give opening remarks.

“I’m continuing Senator Franken’s tradition because I think my colleagues in the Minnesota delegation and I could all use some time to put politics to the side in Washington—and enjoy some great hotdish,” said Sen. Smith. “I’m hoping for some inventive dishes this year, and as always I’m looking forward to doing what I love most—bringing Minnesotans together.”  

After the event, recipes of all of the entries will be posted on Sen. Smith’s website at


Note that the event is only open to members of the media, members of the Minnesota Congressional Delegation, and their staffs. Members of the media must RSVP for the event by emailing

WHO: Sen. Tina Smith, the Minnesota Congressional Delegation, MinnPost’s Sam Brodey 

WHAT: Minnesota Delegation Hotdish Competition

WHEN: Wednesday, April 25, at 11:30 a.m. Eastern

WHERE: Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 430, Senate HELP Committee

