U.S. Sen. Tina Smith’s Statement on House Clean Electricity Plan

WASHINGTON, D.C. [9/9/21]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.)—who has been championing her clean electricity plan in the U.S. Senate—released the following statement after the House Energy and Commerce Committee, led by Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ 6), released its clean electricity plan.

The House proposal aligns closely with what Sen. Smith has long been working on in the Senate.

“I’ve been pushing my clean electricity plan since the beginning of this Congress, including working closely with key House members. I’m glad to see Rep. Pallone introduce a version in the House. I will work with my Senate colleagues and the Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman to ensure the clean electricity plan helps deploy all technologies needed for a clean, affordable, and reliable grid—including renewables, fossil fuel with carbon capture and storage, and nuclear. This is not about eliminating sources of electricity, it is about dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions. I look forward to building a consensus on a clean electricity plan that can pass this Congress,” said Sen. Smith. “We have to keep working together because we cannot squander this moment. This is the time to seize the opportunity and make the needed transformation to a clean energy future that will create millions of jobs and inject billions into our economy.”
