U.S. Senator Tina Smith Named Chair of Key Agriculture Subcommittee

WASHINGTON, D.C. [02/16/23]— Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) announced she will serve as Chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Commodities, Risk Management and Trade, which oversees commodities, crop insurance and trade.

“When I first got to the Senate, I fought hard for a spot on the Ag Committee so that I could represent and advocate for Minnesota’s diverse ag sector. I take that role very seriously,” said Sen. Smith. “I’m excited about my new role as chair of this subcommittee, which oversees critically important issues to the agriculture industry in Minnesota from crop insurance to trade. As we begin the legislative year and prepare for the Farm Bill, I will push for crop insurance programs that work well for Minnesota farmers and push USDA to do more to open up foreign markets for Minnesota ag products. I look forward to serving in this new role and will continue working to be a strong partner for Minnesota’s ag community.”

When she first joined the Senate in 2018, Sen. Smith fought for and secured a spot on the Senate Agriculture Committee because ag is the backbone of Minnesota’s economy. All Minnesotans are impacted by the Farm Bill, and Sen. Smith heard from Minnesotans with backgrounds in farming, rural development, rural health, and nutrition to make sure that all voices were reflected in the final 5-year bill that passed in 2018 after she joined the Ag Committee. That legislation included many provisions that Sen. Smith authored and championed, including improvement to the dairy safety-net program, the legislative roadmap for the energy title, and improvement to USDA conservation programs. It also included many provisions that benefit Minnesota’s native communities and new American communities, like permanent funding for beginning and traditionally under-served farmer outreach programs.

As Chair of the Subcommittee on Commodities, Risk Management and Trade, Senator Smith will advocate for provisions that benefit Minnesota farmers and use the platform to promote the importance of agriculture exports, which account for over 1/3 of Minnesota’s total exports. Additionally, she will push for more open foreign markets and strong crop insurance and commodity programs that help farmers in Minnesota and around the country manage uncertainties in the market.
