U.S. Sen. Tina Smith Says Trump Administration’s Restrictions on Family Planning Program Will Limit Americans’ Ability to Make Informed Health Care Decisions

WASHINGTON, D.C. [08/19/19]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) released the following statement after Planned Parenthood announced its forced exit from the Title X federal family planning program due to the Trump Administration’s new restrictions barring health care providers from exploring all health care options with patients and families.

“Family planning is basic health care for people, and key to economic opportunity and people having the freedom to build their own lives. I trust people to make good decisions for themselves about their reproductive health care,” said Sen. Smith, a member of the Senate Health Committee and former Planned Parenthood executive. “The Trump Administration’s move to force Planned Parenthood to withdraw from the Title X family planning program after decades of partnership will limit access to basic health care for families nationwide. In Minnesota, Planned Parenthood serves 90 percent of Title X patients. These patients should not have the health care information they get from their providers limited by politicians. That’s what this Trump rule does. Not only does this threaten preventive health care that thousands of people in our state rely on to live healthy lives, it violates something I deeply respect—the ability of each person to make informed decisions about their health care.”
