Klobuchar, Smith, Nolan Announce More than $5.6 Million Loan for Electric Grid Improvements in Two Harbors

WASHINGTON– U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith, and Representative Rick Nolan announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has awarded Cooperative Light and Power Association of Lake County a loan of $5,670,000 for infrastructure improvements.

“This investment will strengthen the Northland’s economy for years to come,” Klobuchar said. “Projects like this not only boost the economy, but also support good-paying jobs and maintain the services Minnesotans rely on.”

“Improving our electric grid infrastructure is vital to building a 21st century economy that works for everyone,” Smith said. “This investment will connect more Minnesotans with the power they need and spur rural development in the northeastern part of our state.”

“Investments like this will improve our rural infrastructure, create good-paying local jobs, and better serve the 6,000 residential and commercial consumers in the Arrowhead region of northeastern Minnesota,” Nolan said.

This loan funds 35 miles of new electric lines, improving 12 miles of line, and other system improvements—including $439,278 in smart grid technologies. Cooperative Light and Power Association of Lake County serves more than 6,000 residential and commercial consumers in the Arrowhead region in Minnesota.

