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Sens. Smith, Murphy Introduce Bill to Fine Insurance Companies that Skirt Law to Provide Mental Health Coverage

WASHINGTON [9.8.22] – Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn) introduced legislation that would allow the Department of Labor to levy fines against insurance companies who don’t provide coverage for mental health issues—as they are required to do by law.  This new authority would incentivize compliance and strengthen the protections of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. “We need to treat mental health with the same urgency we treat physical health, and that means making sure everyone has access to the care they need,” said Sen. Smith. “This bill would help make mental health care more accessible and affordable by holding insurance companies accountable when they violate mental health parity requirements. I am proud to introduce this legislation, which will bring us one step closer to ensuring everyone has access to quality, affordable mental health care.” “It’s already the law that insurance companies must cover mental health just like they cover physical health, and yet they’re still finding ways to dodge compliance and deny coverage of care,” said Sen. Murphy.   “This bill would give the Department of Labor new tools to enforce mental health parity laws, incentivize compliance, and hold insurers accountable.” “Empowering our government with tools to hold health plans accountable for equal coverage of mental health and addiction treatment is critical to getting more people on the road to recovery. Most Americans cannot afford to pay for care out of pocket—it’s time we seize the opportunity before us and do what it takes

Sen. Tina Smith Announces Up to $550 Million in American Rescue Plan Funding for Projects Supporting Underserved Producers, Career Development Opportunities for Next Generation of Agricultural Professionals

WASHINGTON, [9/7/22] – Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) announced up to $550 million in funding to support projects that enable underserved producers to access land, capital, and markets, and train the next, diverse generation of agricultural professionals. These investments are made possible by the American Rescue Plan Act, which Senator Smith helped pass earlier this year.  “Agriculture is the backbone of Minnesota’s diverse economy,” said Sen. Smith. “With food shortages, supply chain snags and a tight labor market around the world, it’s vital we support and grow our farming sector here at home. This funding, which is made possible by the American Rescue Plan, will help underserved producers access land, capital, and markets while supporting career development opportunities for the next generation of farmers in Minnesota and around the country.” The American Rescue Plan directed the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help ensure underserved producers have the resources, tools, programs, and technical support they need to succeed. As part of this mandate, the USDA will set up an independent Equity Commission to help underserved groups access USDA programs and services and direct resources to partner organizations working to help achieve these goals. Of the $550 million in funding, $300 million will be used for Increasing Land, Capital and Market Access projects aimed at helping underserved producers. The deadline for partner organizations to apply for this funding is October 28, 2022. Additionally, $250 million will go towards the Learning to Leading program, which creates career development opportunities for the

Sen. Tina Smith Helps Introduce Bill to Improve Access to Mental Health Services for Students

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/21/2018]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.)—a member of the Senate Health Committee—helped introduce legislation in order to better address the increasing number of students with mental health concerns at colleges and universities across the country. The bill—known as the Higher Education Mental Health Commission Act—would create a national commission to study the mental health concerns that students face. This commission would includerepresentatives from higher education institutions, disability and student advocacy groups, students with mental health conditions, and family members of college students. “Facilitating open, honest conversations about mental health is an important first step toward eliminating the stigma that

Sen. Tina Smith Calls for Senate Health Committee Hearing on Negative Consequences of Family Separation on Children

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/21/2018]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) called on leaders of the Senate Health Committee—on which she serves—to hold a hearing in order to better understand the negative health effects of the Trump Administration’s disgraceful zero tolerance immigration policy on separated children and their families.  “Although the administration has said that they will stop separating families, we must hold them to this promise and ensure that the more than 2,300 children who have already been separated are safely reunited with their families and receive the care they need as soon as possible,” wrote Sen. Smith in her letter to Chairman

Sens. Smith, Warren Press Secretary Azar for More Answers on Inadequate Plan to Reduce Drug Prices

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/26/2018]—Today, U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) pressed Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alexander Azar for more answers following their exchanges with him during a recent Senate Health Committee hearing. You can read a copy of the full list of questions Sens. Smith and Warren sent to Mr. Azar today here. Sens. Smith and Warren urge Secretary Azar to provide details about what President Trump meant when he said drug companies would voluntarily reduce prices, the number of meetings that administration officials have had with drug manufacturers to discuss voluntary reductions, and how the administration will

U.S. Sen. Tina Smith Remains Skeptical of EPA’s Proposed Targets for Ethanol, Other Renewable Fuels to be Blended into Nation’s Fuel Supply in 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. [06/26/18]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) said she is skeptical of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement of the amount of corn-based ethanol and other renewable fuels the agency says will be blended into the nation’s gasoline supply in 2019.  Sen. Smith, who has pressed for expanded use of renewables, said the EPA-announced target of 19.88 billion gallons—required under the federal Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS)—does not specify how refiners will make up for the gallons lost from controversial EPA-granted waivers. Earlier this year, the agency granted a “financial hardship” waiver to an oil refinery owned by billionaire Carl Icahn,
