Sen. Tina Smith’s Statement on President’s Prescription Drug Address

WASHINGTON, D.C. [05/11/18]—Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith released the following statement after President Trump delivered an address focused on prescription drug prices.

“When I meet with everyone from farmers, to small business owners, to families—they tell me about the high cost of health care, including the high cost of prescription drugs. I’ve heard from a young mother whose cancer medications cost $20,000 a month, and from seniors in Minnesota who are forced to choose between food and medicine. This is just wrong,” said Sen. Smith. “Today, the President said we need to bring down prescription drug prices and address ‘pay-for-delay’—the Big Pharma tactic that keeps affordable generic drugs out of the hands of Americans—and that’s exactly what the first bill I introduced in the Senate aims to do. So while I’m pleased that President Trump supports a commonsense measure to cut drug costs, the President’s plan doesn’t do enough to hold drug companies accountable and falls short of all that’s needed to provide needed relief to Minnesota families. We need him to deliver on the promises he made to families across the nation, namely allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and to take action now.”

