U.S. Sen. Tina Smith’s Staff Kicks Off “Health Care Cost Listening Tour”

WASHINGTON, D.C. [07/11/18]—U.S Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) continued her push to make health care more affordable for Minnesotans by deploying her staff to kick off their statewide “Health Care Cost Listening Tour.”

The listening sessions will include Minnesota residents, as well as health experts and care providers in discussions of how to make health care more affordable and accessible in Minnesota and across the country.

“Without question, the number one issue I hear about most frequently from Minnesotans is the high price of health care,” said Sen. Smith. “Over the coming weeks, my staff will be traveling all over the state to hear from those who’ve seen the consequences of high health care costs firsthand, all while gathering valuable feedback to improve my efforts here in Washington to bring affordable health care to all Minnesotans.”                                                                                                                                               

Sen. Smith, a member of the Senate Health Committee, has made bringing down health care costs a top priority. Her first bill took aim at a big pharma tactic that keeps affordable generic drugs out of the hands of Minnesota families and seniors. She’s also questioned major pharmaceutical executives who are using billions in tax cut dollars to enrich their investors instead of prioritizing lower prescription drug prices. And she’s introduced legislation to require pharmaceutical companies to disclose how they’re using the billions in tax breaks they’ve received.

You can access photos from the first day of the listening tour in St. Cloud here.

